Spring Cleaning

Computer Cleaning
Where should we start? There are so many different ways to keep your computer healthy, so let’s try to go in order. Here we go…
Let’s start with cleaning the physical computer first.
If you are using a desktop and you feel comfortable enough unplugging and re-plugging in all the cords in the back, then unplug your computer, put it on your desk and vacuum off all the dust which has accumulated near the vents. Next step is to plug everything back in. Now that it has probably been a while, you will probably find extra plugs which you no longer use (that old camera or Palm Pilot cord) which you can remove from your computer area. With the remaining cords, plug them back in. This time use cord ties or the like so that they all stay neat and organized, and perhaps label them so you know what is connecting to what!
If you are not comfortable unplugging the desktop or if you are using a laptop, power the machine down, and vacuum out the vents.
The next step is to clean the keyboard and mouse, which probably have grease and dirt piled high (and yes, that’s why the “shift” button has not been working recently!)
To clean the keyboard, we do not recommend taking off the actual keys, rather clean off the keyboard with air. The way to do it is to purchase compressed air and blow out all the crumbs. You can purchase this in many stores, but here is a link to know what to look for: STAPLES LINKS or BandH LINK.
To clean the mice: For optical mice, simply wipe it down. For the older “ball” mice, cautiously take out the ball and wipe down the inside with Q-tip (any area which looks bumpy is dirt, since the inside should be smooth).
The last piece of hardware which we would clean is the monitor. There are different products which are sold to clean the monitor, but the key is to make sure it is compatible and will damage the screen. Some recommend doing this by testing any new agent in one corner, to confirm that it will work with your screen. Some products which customers have liked from Staples are THIS and THAT or you can check out Band H from this link: BandH.
Once the computer is put back in the proper location, take a few minutes and clean up the desk where the computer is located. Why? This one is actually for your health, as studies show working in an uncluttered environment is good for one’s health. This will also ensure that the vents of your computers are not being blocked by anything.
Although this article gives some insight on how to physically clean one’s computer, we feel we must mention some software maintenance tips as well.
– For starters, make sure your Windows is up to date, which can be done by checking for Windows updates.
– Another important software update is to confirm your anti-virus program is turned on and that it is updated.
– Next is to clean up and remove any programs which you no longer use and need.
– The final step is to ensure your backup is running properly on a regular basis.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns,
feel free to call us at 718-676-6910

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