Anti-Virus Programs

Why two is not better than one
Generally speaking, having additional security will create a safer environment. However, when it comes to computers, having multiple anti-virus programs installed on the computer very often causes an overall computer slow down. Why is that?
What does the anti-virus program do?
As the name connotes, it protects one’s computer from getting viruses. It is much like hiring body guards for your front door. They screen everyone to determine if they are safe to allow them to enter your home.
How does the anti-virus program function?
The program constantly resides in memory, actively scanning for viruses. Many anti-viruses also scan web pages and emails to prevent malicious software from entering your system. The program stops a virus from running based on its signature. There are many thousands of viruses that are being examined and compared to each program that is run. They also have a feature that prevents their unintended removal, possibly by viruses that are aware that the antivirus is installed.
Why can’t you have multiple anti-virus programs running?
The programs will fight with each other since they are both trying to get to the same part of the computer, at the same time. This competition of resources can slow your computer down or possibly disable your computer.
What if the anti-virus program is expired?
Either remove it and install a different anti-virus program or renew the license on the anti-virus program. We do not recommend leaving the old expired program on the computer since parts of it may still be functioning and can conflict with your other programs.
Which anti-virus program should you have?
There are many options available.
If you are looking for a free option, we recommend Avast.
If you are looking for a paid option, we recommend a Norton product ( it depends on your usage to determine which version.)
There are many other options with varying degrees of effectiveness. When choosing an anti-virus program, look for an effective program, and determine how big of a footprint your computer can handle efficiently.

                                                                                                                    As always, if you have any questions or concerns,

feel free to call us at 718-676-6910

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